Mobile Facilities (Band III) sollte an Bord von Rettungseinheiten, Flugzeugen und Schiffen mitgeführt werden, um die Durchführung einer Such-, Rettungs- oder Koordinatorfunktion vor Ort sowie Aspekte der SAR zu unterstützen, die sich auf ihre eigenen Notfälle beziehen.
Mobile Facilities (volume III) is intended to be carried on board rescue units, aircraft and vessels to help with performance of a search, rescue or on-scene coordinator function and with aspects of SAR that pertain to their own emergencies.
It also includes Action Cards on: Basic communications plan structure; On-scene coordination; Recovery of people in the water; Man overboard; MEDEVAC by helicopter; and MEDICO-MEDEVAC Medical assistance or evacuation.
The 2019 edition incorporates amendments adopted by ICAO and approved by the IMO Maritime Safety Committee. The 2018 amendments enter into force on 1 July 2019.